ボツワナ共和国の駐日大使である Maj Gen Gotsileene Morake (Rtd) 様が1112日(金)に当社の神戸本社、そして1115日(月)には大分県日田市にある亜臨界処理装置の実証プラントにご訪問くださいました。





It’s been our pleasure to welcome H.E Maj Gen Gotsileene Morake (Rtd).

The Ambassador of the Republic of Botswana to Japan. This is our very first in-person meeting with H.E. both at our headquarters in Kobe (Nov. 12) and later on at our demonstration plant in Oita prefecture (Nov. 15) ever since his designation to Japan.
We had a very productive discussion and agreed that, by using our subcritical waste processing technology, we can create sustainable waste management systems that can preserve the environment.
As J AND W TRADING, we commit ourselves to working together with different entities to ensure a sustainable waste management solution that enhances organic farming and creates alternative energy systems to promote the 3Rs principle in the World.


